Monday, August 19, 2024

Current Voices Saying We are in the End Times

 We live in exciting times, and many are saying we are in the End of Days as predicted by prophets such as Daniel, Zechariah, and John the Apostle.

There are voices today that are framing current events as proof of this. Christian Widener, whose website and his book Witnessing the End: Daniel's Seventy-Sevens and the Final Decree that Everyone Missed, is a case in point. He offers a free PDF of his book on his website. Christian makes the case that we are in the Tribulation right now! He has made several YouTube videos to explain his thinking. You can also watch him on Janie Duvall's YouTube channel. Another name that is making chilling claims on Janie's channel is Craig Bong, who has amassed dozens of reasons why King Charles is the Anti-Christ and the World Economic Forum is setting the stage for a one-world government, with the current Pope likely being the False Prophet. 

In closing, here are various verses from Daniel 12:

“Now I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision refers to many days yet to come...

And he said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand. 

But you, go your way till the end; for you shall rest, and will arise to your inheritance at the end of the days.”

By the way, check out my series of three novels (so far) that explain about the Jewishness of Jesus during the times of the Protestant Reformation. They are available on Amazon/books. Just type in my name: Dennis Kananen.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Announcing the release of Book 3: Kazimierz Conception

Book 3: Kazimierz Conception

In this third installment of the Intriguing Love series, Heinrich and Rebekah begin their married life in Kazimierz where Heinrich begins his job at an artistic iron-works shop. Robert, the owner of the shop and his wife Klaudia, take an interest in Heinrich and Rebekah because of their Messianic faith. Klaudia asks if she could read Heinrich’s copy of Luther’s New Testament, and Rebekah agrees to do so under her supervision. Other characters are introduced who discuss how the Messianic faith is supposed to work in staunchly Catholic Europe. Then, Rebekah gets pregnant and the teaching schedule goes through a change. Heinrich sends a letter to his mother Freyda about the pregnancy, and she has to decide whether or not she should travel to Krakow to see her grandchild. 

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Announcing Prague Rendezvous, the second book in the Intriguing Love series

The purpose of this Intriguing Love page is to promote and explain the books that are planned in the Intriguing Love series. The first book, Wittenberg Encounter, was published on 4/24/2016 by me (Dennis Kananen) in paperback and Kindle format (see cover below).

The second book, Prague Rendezvous, was published in 2021. 
The third book, Kazimierz Conception, was published February 14, 2024.

I have studied the Jewish background of Jesus for over 35 years. As a writer, an artist, and a former Lutheran, I am publishing this series to demonstrate how knowing the Jewish background of Jesus can significantly improve and enrich one's understanding of the Bible. The series follows its characters through the explosive times of the Protestant Reformation in Medieval Europe.

There are five, and possible six, novels planned in the Intriguing Love series:
1. Wittenberg Encounter (Available on Kindle ebook and paperback NOW)
2. Prague Rendezvous (Available on Kindle ebook and paperback NOW)
3. Kazimierz Conception (Available on Kindle ebook and paperback NOW)
4. Kazimierz Delivery (TBD)
5. German Upheaval and Zurich Refuge (TBD)

To contact Dennis Kananen directly:
phone: 810-923-9206

Here is a review from a recent reader:
Top Customer Review

I had a hard time putting down this book. Historical fiction is such a pleasant way to learn history and this year being the 500th anniversary of Luther's posting on the door in Wittenberg made me want to understand this era better. The intrigue and romance made it fun and captivating. But my favorite aspect was how Dennis wove in the Jewish culture and helped me appreciate the trials of Jewish people in this era. Plus, it was educational for those unfamiliar with a variety of Jewish practices. I am very eager to read the next book.

If you have questions or comments, send an email to You are encouraged to write a review of Wittenberg Encounter, in Kindle Books Amazon.

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